Healing Hurts of the Past

Healing Hurts of the Past

During this training conference, emphasis is placed on healing the trauma and wounds of the past that continue to have a negative influence upon the lives of individuals today.

Healing begins to happen through a prayerful process of inviting Jesus into painful memories, where Jesus encourages us to forgive, both the offender as well as ourselves.

Forgiveness always seems to be the key to “setting the captives free” from our past hurts.
Click here for Characteristics of Christian Forgiveness

The fruit of this powerful way of praying is new life and a much more intimate relationship with Jesus for the prayer recipient (and prayer ministers as well!).

The combination of teachings, prayer exercises and mentoring will equip and continue to build the confidence of participants to pray ‘healing the hurts of the past’ for others back in their home churches and local communities.